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Baby & Kids   Product   Jun   Rapid growth  Medium opportunity   

Diapers are absorbent garments worn by infants and young children to catch and contain their waste. They are typically made of a waterproof outer layer and an inner layer that absorbs and holds urine and feces. Diapers have become increasingly popular due to their convenience and effectiveness in managing a baby's waste.
This is a seasonal trend that repeats every June.
This trend is forecasted to be growing in the next 2 years.


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 12 Months
Average: 67.88%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 1.38%
 5 Years
Average: 63.71%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 6.18%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Convenience and Time-Saving

Diapers offer a convenient and time-saving solution for parents and caregivers. They eliminate the need for frequent diaper changes and washing cloth diapers, allowing for more efficient management of a baby's waste.

2. Hygiene and Comfort

Diapers provide a hygienic and comfortable option for babies. They keep the baby's skin dry and prevent rashes and irritation that can occur from prolonged exposure to wetness.

3. Mobility and Freedom

Diapers enable babies to move freely and comfortably without the restriction of wet or soiled cloth diapers. This promotes their physical development and allows them to explore their surroundings more easily.

4. Wide Range of Options

The diaper market offers a wide range of options to cater to different needs and preferences. There are disposable diapers, eco-friendly diapers, hypoallergenic diapers, and diapers with various features such as wetness indicators and adjustable sizing.

5. Increasing Awareness and Education

With the increasing availability of information and resources, parents and caregivers are becoming more aware of the benefits of using diapers. They are better educated about proper diapering practices and the importance of maintaining good hygiene for their baby's health.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Sarah Johnson (@sarahjohnson)

Parenting blogger and influencer who frequently posts recommendations and tips for diapers on her Instagram account.

2. Emily Davis (@emilydavis)

Fashion influencer and mom who frequently shares her favorite diaper brands and styles on her Instagram account.

3. Amy Thompson (@amythompson)

Mom influencer who frequently shares her experiences and reviews about diapers on her Instagram account.

4. Jessica Carter (@jessicacarter)

Fitness influencer and mom who frequently posts about diapers and their impact on an active lifestyle on her Instagram account.

5. Kelly Jones (@kellyjones)

Lifestyle influencer who frequently features diapers as part of her daily routine on her Instagram account.

Latest forum discussions

We tracked 18434 total in the last 3 months

I keep a plastic bin in the car with a sleeve of diapers, a couple packs of wipes, and a few extra outfits. It’s helped so much when I just want to do a quick change in the back of the car or when I’ve run out of things in the diaper bag!
Published on 2024-10-22 in the July 2024 Babies forum
This discussion is in English.
... the best period. Feed, change diapers, burp, colic, sick... we adults...
Published on 2024-10-22 in the Eat-Drink-Man-Woman forum
This discussion is in English.
... the best period. Feed, change diapers, burp, colic, sick... we adults...
Published on 2024-10-22 in the Eat-Drink-Man-Woman forum
This discussion is in English.
My son doesn’t have this issue, but my husband recently gave him 1.5 plumbs and the diapers even going into the next day were extremely plentiful and loose. I’d highly recommend plumbs!
Published on 2024-10-21 in the January 2023 Babies forum
This discussion is in English.
My son doesn’t have this issue, but my husband recently gave him 1.5 plumbs and the diapers even going into the next day were extremely plentiful and loose. I’d highly recommend plumbs!
Published on 2024-10-21 in the January 2023 Babies forum
This discussion is in English.
I don’t think he’s ready. My daughter has started leading the way with potty training. She says she needs to potty, holds her pee, wakes up with a dry diaper and pees in the toilet first thing in the morning and after naps. She still poops in her diapers though. I guess she’s not ready to poop on the toilet quite yet.
Published on 2024-10-21 in the July 2022 Babies forum
This discussion is in English.
I don’t think he’s ready. My daughter has started leading the way with potty training. She says she needs to potty, holds her pee, wakes up with a dry diaper and pees in the toilet first thing in the morning and after naps. She still poops in her diapers though. I guess she’s not ready to poop on the toilet quite yet.
Published on 2024-10-21 in the July 2022 Babies forum
This discussion is in English.
See one negative comment and just immeadiately put on their reddit diapers and immeadiately begin to shut all over themselves
Published on 2024-10-21 in the Other forum
This discussion is in English.
See one negative comment and just immeadiately put on their reddit diapers and immeadiately begin to shut all over themselves
Published on 2024-10-21 in the Other forum
This discussion is in English.
... still producing plenty of wet diapers and usually seems content post...
Published on 2024-10-21 in the Breastfeeding forum
This discussion is in English.
... still producing plenty of wet diapers and usually seems content post...
Published on 2024-10-21 in the Breastfeeding forum
This discussion is in English.
Loving a 3 year gap. My toddler is literally soooo helpful already. Changing diapers, getting me diaper cream when I can’t find it, putting the paci back in. And their little relationship is already forming and it’s adorable. I picture them as older kids and teens and love the 3 year gap then too.
Published on 2024-10-21 in the April 2024 Babies forum
This discussion is in English.
Loving a 3 year gap. My toddler is literally soooo helpful already. Changing diapers, getting me diaper cream when I can’t find it, putting the paci back in. And their little relationship is already forming and it’s adorable. I picture them as older kids and teens and love the 3 year gap then too.
Published on 2024-10-21 in the April 2024 Babies forum
This discussion is in English.
... would feed him, change his diapers, clean him, and help him...
Published on 2024-10-21 in the Eat-Drink-Man-Woman forum
This discussion is in English.
... would feed him, change his diapers, clean him, and help him...
Published on 2024-10-21 in the Eat-Drink-Man-Woman forum
This discussion is in English.
@MommyDesirae, she's on the lansinoh slow flow. she drinks about 80ml and we burp her about every 20ml. Her poop is yellow and runny, sometimes water. Just gas and poop. She poops like 6 out of 8 diapers a day. But the screaming in pain just breaks my heart then it'll take an hour to be put to sleep while she's pushing and crying.
Published on 2024-10-21 in the September 2024 Babies forum
This discussion is in English.
@MommyDesirae, she's on the lansinoh slow flow. she drinks about 80ml and we burp her about every 20ml. Her poop is yellow and runny, sometimes water. Just gas and poop. She poops like 6 out of 8 diapers a day. But the screaming in pain just breaks my heart then it'll take an hour to be put to sleep while she's pushing and crying.
Published on 2024-10-21 in the September 2024 Babies forum
This discussion is in English.
NewNinetyNine said: I found a few seconds of a diaperless baby running by while I was splitting the videos (a baby who is ~80 years of age in 2024, but I digress). Nuked that bit to be sure. Don't you know that babies are born with diapers? How dare you sully our great nation. Won't you please think of the children?
Published on 2024-10-21 in the Audio/Visual Club forum
This discussion is in English.
NewNinetyNine said: I found a few seconds of a diaperless baby running by while I was splitting the videos (a baby who is ~80 years of age in 2024, but I digress). Nuked that bit to be sure. Don't you know that babies are born with diapers? How dare you sully our great nation. Won't you please think of the children?
Published on 2024-10-21 in the Audio/Visual Club forum
This discussion is in English.