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Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) is a tabletop role-playing game (RPG) where players create characters and embark on adventures in a fantasy world. The game is guided by a Dungeon Master (DM) who creates the world and story for the players to explore.


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 12 Months
Average: 74.38%
Trend: declining
MOM change: -0.14%
 5 Years
Average: 46.15%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 3.73%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Rise of Online Streaming

The popularity of D&D has been fueled by the rise of online streaming platforms like Twitch and YouTube, where people can watch others play the game. This has led to a wider audience and increased interest in the game.

2. Social Connection

D&D provides a social experience where players can connect with others and build friendships through shared experiences. This has become increasingly important in a world where people are more isolated due to technology and social media.

3. Creative Outlet

D&D allows players to use their imagination and creativity to create unique characters and stories. This provides a creative outlet for people who may not have other opportunities to express themselves in this way.

4. Nostalgia

Many people who played D&D in their youth are now adults and are rediscovering the game as a way to relive fond memories and connect with their past.

5. Accessibility

D&D has become more accessible with the release of beginner-friendly versions of the game and online resources for new players. This has made it easier for people to learn and play the game.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Critical Role (@critical_role)

The official Instagram account for Critical Role, a live-streamed Dungeons & Dragons show with a massive following and a community of fans from all over the world.

2. Nerdarchy (@nerdarchy)

A group of tabletop RPG enthusiasts who share their passion for Dungeons & Dragons and other RPGs with their audience. They frequently post content related to D&D on their Instagram account.

3. D&D Beyond (@dndbeyond)

An official digital toolset for Dungeons & Dragons, with character creation, rules compendium, and more. Their Instagram account frequently features content related to D&D, including podcasts, live shows, and gaming advice.

4. Matthew Mercer (@matthewmercervo)

Voice actor and Dungeon Master for Critical Role, Matthew Mercer is a prominent figure in the Dungeons & Dragons community. He frequently posts about D&D on his Instagram account, including behind-the-scenes looks at his games and interactions with fans.

5. Satine Phoenix (@satinephoenix)

Artist, writer, and Dungeon Master for Maze Arcana, Satine Phoenix is a well-known personality in the Dungeons & Dragons community. She frequently posts about D&D on her Instagram account, including artwork, gaming advice, and personal stories.

Latest forum discussions

We tracked 13154 total in the last 3 months

Hi :) Ich erstelle gerade meinen ersten dnd charakter (eine Halb Ork Frau) und wollte fragen ob es irgendwas gibt, was es bei orks zu beachten gibt oder ob ihr tipps für mich habt
Published on 2024-01-28 in the RPG forum
This discussion is in German.
Hallo! Ich schaue schon seit 3 Jahren regelmäßig DnD und würde jetzt gerne selbst spielen Hat jemand Tipps wo/wie man eine gute online Gruppe finden kann? Die es auch okay findet wenn jemand noch nicht so viel Ahnung hat? Viele Dank im vorraus
Published on 2024-01-28 in the RPG forum
This discussion is in German.
Hallo! Ich schaue schon seit 3 Jahren regelmäßig DnD und würde jetzt gerne selbst spielen Hat jemand Tipps wo/wie man eine gute online Gruppe finden kann? Die es auch okay findet wenn jemand noch nicht so viel Ahnung hat? Viele Dank im vorraus
Published on 2024-01-28 in the RPG forum
This discussion is in German.
Guten Abend allerseits, An all die DnD Spieler da draußen, was ist eure lustigste Story die im oder während dem Spielen passiert ist?
Published on 2023-12-20 in the Rollenspiel forum
This discussion is in German.
Guten Abend allerseits, An all die DnD Spieler da draußen, was ist eure lustigste Story die im oder während dem Spielen passiert ist?
Published on 2023-12-20 in the Rollenspiel forum
This discussion is in German.
Guten Abend allerseits, An all die DnD Spieler da draußen, was ist eure lustigste Story die im oder während dem Spielen passiert ist?
Published on 2023-12-20 in the Rollenspiele forum
This discussion is in German.
Guten Abend allerseits, An all die DnD Spieler da draußen, was ist eure lustigste Story die im oder während dem Spielen passiert ist?
Published on 2023-12-20 in the Rollenspiele forum
This discussion is in German.
Guten Abend allerseits, An all die DnD Spieler da draußen, was ist eure lustigste Story die im oder während dem Spielen passiert ist?
Published on 2023-12-20 in the Nerd forum
This discussion is in German.
Guten Abend allerseits, An all die DnD Spieler da draußen, was ist eure lustigste Story die im oder während dem Spielen passiert ist?
Published on 2023-12-20 in the Nerd forum
This discussion is in German.
... VMMDev: Guest Log: DnD: Received message HOST_DND_FN_GH_REQ_PENDING...:27.143087 VMMDev: Guest Log: DnD: Got 1 file(s), fUnicode...:27.143200 VMMDev: Guest Log: DnD: Adding guest file 'C:\Users\flare\Desktop\config... VMMDev: Guest Log: DnD: Received message HOST_DND_FN_GH_REQ_PENDING... VMMDev: Guest Log: DnD: Received message HOST_DND_FN_GH_EVT_DROPPED...
Published on 2024-03-06 in the VirtualBox on Linux Hosts forum
This discussion is in English.
... VMMDev: Guest Log: DnD: Received message HOST_DND_FN_GH_REQ_PENDING...:27.143087 VMMDev: Guest Log: DnD: Got 1 file(s), fUnicode...:27.143200 VMMDev: Guest Log: DnD: Adding guest file 'C:\Users\flare\Desktop\config... VMMDev: Guest Log: DnD: Received message HOST_DND_FN_GH_REQ_PENDING... VMMDev: Guest Log: DnD: Received message HOST_DND_FN_GH_EVT_DROPPED...
Published on 2024-03-06 in the VirtualBox on Linux Hosts forum
This discussion is in English.
... up a Do not Disturb (DnD) schedule for bed time each... video. I go to the DnD button in the extended settings ... second page and press the DnD button It turns off the DnD schedule and allows me... I use the extended menu DnD button.
Published on 2024-03-07 in the Galaxy A Series forum
This discussion is in English.
... up a Do not Disturb (DnD) schedule for bed time each... video. I go to the DnD button in the extended settings ... second page and press the DnD button It turns off the DnD schedule and allows me... I use the extended menu DnD button.
Published on 2024-03-07 in the Galaxy A Series forum
This discussion is in English.
Published on 2024-03-13 in the 少女前线 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Simplified.
Published on 2024-03-13 in the 少女前线 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Simplified.
... виду спорных моментов в системе Dnd 5e для нас лично. Система... является Dnd 5e с дополненными или не... научим всему, система ПРОЩЕ чем Dnd 5e без изменения основных механик... входа ниже чем в саму Dnd 5e, очень хорошо подойдет для...
Published on 2024-03-03 in the Tabletop Simulator-Looking For Players forum
This discussion is in Russian.
... виду спорных моментов в системе Dnd 5e для нас лично. Система... является Dnd 5e с дополненными или не... научим всему, система ПРОЩЕ чем Dnd 5e без изменения основных механик... входа ниже чем в саму Dnd 5e, очень хорошо подойдет для...
Published on 2024-03-03 in the Tabletop Simulator-Looking For Players forum
This discussion is in Russian.
Published on 2024-03-10 in the 跑团 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Simplified.
Published on 2024-03-10 in the 跑团 forum
This discussion is in Chinese - Simplified.