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E Bike

Lifestyle   Product   Sustained growth   

An e-bike, or electric bike, is a bicycle that is equipped with an electric motor and battery to assist with pedaling. The motor provides varying levels of assistance, depending on the rider's preference and the terrain.


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 12 Months
Trend: declining
MOM change: -0.28%
 5 Years
Trend: growing
MOM change: 2.84%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Easier Commuting

E-bikes make commuting easier and more efficient, especially in urban areas with heavy traffic and limited parking. Riders can avoid traffic congestion and arrive at their destination without breaking a sweat.

2. Eco-Friendly Transportation

E-bikes are a more eco-friendly transportation option than cars or motorcycles, as they produce zero emissions and require less energy to operate. They can also be charged using renewable energy sources, such as solar power.

3. Improved Health and Fitness

E-bikes provide a low-impact form of exercise that can improve cardiovascular health and overall fitness. They also make cycling more accessible to people who may not be able to ride a traditional bike due to physical limitations or health conditions.

4. Cost Savings

E-bikes can be a cost-effective transportation option, as they require less maintenance and fuel than cars or motorcycles. They also have a lower upfront cost than electric cars or motorcycles.

5. Increased Accessibility

E-bikes can make cycling more accessible to people of all ages and abilities, including those who may not have the physical strength or stamina to ride a traditional bike. They can also help people with disabilities or injuries to get around more easily.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Electric Bike Review (@electricbikereview)

Influential Instagram account that provides reviews, guides and advice on all aspects of e-bikes.

2. Court Rye (@electricbikereview.court)

Influencer and founder of Electric Bike Review who provides in-depth reviews and information on e-bikes on Instagram.

3. Pedego Electric Bikes (@pedego_electric_bikes)

A popular e-bike brand whose Instagram account features influencers promoting their bikes in various locations and scenarios.