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Nyx Lip Liner

Beauty   Company   Product   Sustained growth   

NYX Lip Liner is a cosmetic product used to outline and define the lips before applying lipstick or lip gloss. It is a popular brand of lip liner known for its affordability and wide range of colors.


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 12 Months
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.28%
 5 Years
Trend: growing
MOM change: 3.59%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Enhances Lip Shape

NYX Lip Liner can be used to create the illusion of fuller lips or to correct asymmetry by outlining and defining the natural lip shape.

2. Increases Lipstick Longevity

Applying NYX Lip Liner before lipstick can help prevent feathering and bleeding, and can increase the longevity of the lipstick.

3. Affordable

NYX Lip Liner is known for its affordability, making it accessible to a wide range of consumers.

4. Wide Range of Colors

NYX Lip Liner offers a wide range of colors to choose from, allowing consumers to find the perfect shade to match their lipstick or to wear alone.

5. Cruelty-Free

NYX is a cruelty-free brand, meaning their products are not tested on animals. This is important to many consumers who prioritize ethical and sustainable beauty products.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Jeffree Star (@jeffreestar)

Makeup artist and influencer who frequently shares his love for NYX lip liners on his Instagram account.

2. Jouer Cosmetics (@jouercosmetics)

Makeup brand and influencer who frequently shares NYX lip liners in their makeup looks on their Instagram account.

3. Trendmood (@trendmood1)

Beauty influencer who frequently shares swatches and reviews of NYX lip liners on her Instagram account.

4. Kandee Johnson (@kandeejohnson)

Makeup artist and influencer who frequently uses NYX lip liners in her makeup looks and shares them on her Instagram account.

5. MakeupByGriselda (@makeupbygriselda)

Makeup artist and influencer who frequently uses NYX lip liners in her makeup looks and shares them on her Instagram account.