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live demand report in US

Car Seats

Baby & Kids   Product    Decline  Medium opportunity   

Car seats are specially designed seats that are installed in vehicles to provide safety and protection for infants and young children during car rides.


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 12 Months
Average: 58.08%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 1.01%
 5 Years
Average: 60.98%
Trend: declining
MOM change: -1.65%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Safety

Car seats are designed to provide maximum safety for infants and young children in the event of a car accident. They are equipped with features such as impact-absorbing materials, side-impact protection, and secure harness systems to minimize the risk of injury.

2. Legal Requirement

In many countries, it is a legal requirement to use car seats for infants and young children. This has contributed to the increasing popularity of car seats as parents strive to comply with the law and ensure the safety of their children.

3. Peace of Mind

Using a car seat gives parents peace of mind knowing that their child is securely strapped in and protected during car rides. This added sense of security has made car seats a popular choice among parents.

4. Convenience

Car seats provide convenience for parents by allowing them to easily transport their child from one place to another without having to hold them or worry about their safety. This convenience factor has contributed to the popularity of car seats.

5. Awareness and Education

Increased awareness and education about the importance of child safety in vehicles have played a significant role in the popularity of car seats. Parents are now more informed about the potential risks and are actively seeking ways to protect their children while traveling.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Car Seat Mom (@carseatmom)

Influencer providing tips and recommendations for choosing the best car seats for kids.

2. Car Seat Guru (@carseatguru)

Influencer sharing in-depth reviews and expert advice on car seats for different age groups.

3. Car Seat Couture (@carseatcouture)

Influencer showcasing stylish and safe car seats for parents and children.

4. Car Seat Adventures (@carseatadventures)

Influencer documenting family travels with a focus on car seat safety and comfort.

5. Car Seat Enthusiast (@carseatenthusiast)

Influencer passionate about showcasing the latest innovations and features in car seat design.