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Amazon Gift Card

Leisure   Product   Dec    Medium opportunity   

An Amazon Gift Card is a prepaid card that can be used to purchase products on the Amazon website. It functions like a digital voucher, allowing the recipient to choose from a wide range of items available on Amazon.
This is a seasonal trend that repeats every December.
This trend is forecasted to be growing in the next 2 years.


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 12 Months
Average: 30.15%
Trend: declining
MOM change: -0.31%
 5 Years
Average: 24.32%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.53%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Convenience and Flexibility

Amazon Gift Cards provide a convenient and flexible gifting option. They can be purchased online or in-store, and the recipient can use them to buy any product of their choice from the vast selection available on Amazon.

2. Wide Availability

Amazon Gift Cards are widely available, making them easily accessible to consumers. They can be purchased from various retailers, supermarkets, and online platforms, making it convenient for people to buy and gift them.

3. Versatile Gifting Option

Amazon Gift Cards are a versatile gifting option as they can be personalized with a message and sent electronically or physically. They are suitable for various occasions such as birthdays, holidays, graduations, or as a token of appreciation.

4. No Expiry Date

One of the reasons for the popularity of Amazon Gift Cards is that they do not have an expiry date. This means that recipients can use them whenever they want, giving them the freedom to shop at their convenience.

5. Access to a Wide Range of Products

Amazon offers an extensive selection of products across various categories, including electronics, books, clothing, home goods, and more. With an Amazon Gift Card, recipients have access to this vast range of products, ensuring they can find something they truly desire.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Sarah Wilson (@sarahwilson)

Lifestyle influencer and blogger who frequently shares gift card hacks and ideas on her Instagram account.

2. Emily Thompson (@emilythompson)

Beauty influencer and makeup artist who frequently includes Amazon gift cards as giveaways in her Instagram tutorials.

3. Laura Adams (@lauraadams)

Finance influencer and podcaster who frequently provides advice on how to maximize the value of Amazon gift cards on her Instagram account.

4. Alex Brown (@alexbrown)

Fashion influencer and content creator who frequently features Amazon gift cards in her outfit of the day posts on Instagram.

5. John Michaels (@johnmichaels)

Fitness influencer and trainer who frequently shares tips on how to use Amazon gift cards for workout equipment and supplements on his Instagram account.