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Ice Cream Maker

Home & Garden   Product   Jun    Medium opportunity   

An ice cream maker is a kitchen appliance used to make homemade ice cream. It consists of a freezing mechanism, a mixing paddle, and a container to hold the ice cream mixture.
This is a seasonal trend that repeats every June.
This trend is forecasted to be growing in the next 2 years.


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 12 Months
Average: 35.62%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 0.42%
 5 Years
Average: 30.34%
Trend: growing
MOM change: 1.08%

Top reasons why this topic is getting popular

1. Customizable Flavors

With an ice cream maker, you can create endless flavor combinations and experiment with different ingredients to make unique and personalized ice cream flavors.

2. Control over Ingredients

Making ice cream at home allows you to have full control over the quality and type of ingredients used. You can choose to use organic, all-natural, or alternative sweeteners to suit your dietary preferences.

3. Freshness and Taste

Homemade ice cream is often considered to be fresher and tastier than store-bought options. You can use fresh fruits, herbs, and other ingredients to enhance the flavor and create a truly delicious treat.

4. Healthier Options

By making your own ice cream, you can opt for healthier alternatives such as using low-fat milk, yogurt, or dairy-free options. You can also control the amount of sugar and avoid artificial additives or preservatives.

5. Fun and Family Activity

Using an ice cream maker can be a fun and engaging activity for the whole family. It allows you to involve children in the process of making their own ice cream and encourages creativity in the kitchen.

Who's talking about this trend?

1. Frozen Delights (@frozendelights)

Showcasing unique and creative ice cream creations with stunning visuals on Instagram.

2. IceCreamQueen (@icecreamqueen)

Passionate about making delicious homemade ice cream and sharing her recipes and tips on Instagram.

3. ScoopMasters (@scoopmasters)

Dedicated to the art of ice cream making and inspiring others to try new flavors and techniques through Instagram.

4. SweetTreatsGuru (@sweettreatsguru)

Sharing mouthwatering ice cream recipes and DIY projects to satisfy any sweet tooth on her Instagram account.

5. IceCreamAdventures (@icecreamadventures)

Exploring the world of ice cream through travel, tastings, and reviews on Instagram.